In 2003, I bought my first typewriter at a thrift shop for $5. It was a light blue Royal Safari, much like the Royal Telstar that I have posted below, but with automatic margins, and two extra keys (1/! and =/+). While the Safari's touch always seemed too heavy, the Telstar's is light and peppy. According to Jay Respler, of Advanced Business Machines, in New Jersey, my Royal Telstar is from February 1965.
The Royal Telstar was introduced in 1962 along with the Royal Safari. While the Safari was the top-of-the line portable, the Telstar was one of several mid-range typewriters designed to fill the gap between the Royal Royalite and the Royal Safari. Other mid-range portables include the Royal 890, Royal 990, and the Royal Aristocrat.
This typewriter is so shiny, that it is difficult to photograph without bright spots.
The actual color of this Royal Telstar lies between these two pictures.
Researching this typewriter was difficult at times; for instance, The Bon Marche, who sold many Royal typewriters during the 1960s, spelled Telstar as "Telestar". Here is an ad for the Royal "Telestar" from September 10, 1967.