- The Office, 11/1963 162-163 Atlas Deluxe portable typewriter (November, 1963)
- The Office, 3/1963 227-228 Brother 880 (zipper case)
- The Office, 10/1964 181-182 Smith-Corona Galaxie II (October, 1964)
- The Office, 7/1965 Brother Prestige
- The Office, 12/1965 , pages 117-118, Nippo P-100
- The Office, 6/1966 page 153 Olivetti Lettera 33
- The Office, 7/66, page 125 Olivetti Lettera 31
- The Office, 2/1967, Smith-Corona Power-Space, based on "Geneva spring mechanism of clocks"
- The Office, 9/1969 page 166 Olivetti Studio 45
- The Office ,11/1970, page 118 Adler Contessa
Introduction Dates of portable typewriters